Vision & Mission

To seek out to save that which is lost, to minister the Love of the Lord Jesus Christ  to the hurting, and to train and equip individuals for the work of the ministry to make disciples for the Lord Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God in our community, nation, and foreign countries.

This House will be a house of restoration!!!  

By the Spirit of God, those coming into our church, Will be instructed, trained, mentored & restored.

This House will be a decontamination station!!!

People walking into our church; who come in carrying the weights, heaviness, bondages of the world and its demons, WILL be cleansed of all contaminates that this world has put on them. When they walk out, they will be cleansed, healed, delivered, strengthened and blameless before God.

This House will be a training center!!!

We will take back our families!!!

We will take back our cities!!!

We will take back our nation!!!

We will do this for and by the Lord Jesus Christ!!!